Saturday, August 15, 2009

What makes a man turn neutral?

Phew, that last post was a dousy, eh? Well, since we're in the modern age of Blogging, I'll make up for that tedious read by letting you enjoy my first ever Vlog. Now featuring 80% less reading. Although, I can't help but wonder, if a Vlog is a video-log, and therefore the 'V' stands for 'video' then what the hell does the 'B' in blog stand for?

Ok, so there's a reason I stick to writing these things after all... Don't worry, I probably won't drop the Vlog on you with too much regularity. Mostly so you're not subjected to my ugly mutt too often. But there are a few things to mention in writing about this leg of the trip, which now sees me in Zurich, Switzerland. First, there was an 18km long tunnel, which is kind of cool. You can see it on the elevation graph, where it looks like the top of the mountain just flattens off suddenly, that's actually because the GPS gets no signal in a tunnel, so it just jumps to the next point that it gets a signal, taking into account the difference in time/distance and drawing a straight line in between.

And, secondly, Switzerland is awesome. A touch pricey, but awesome none-the-less.


  1. Hello Boy,

    Switzerland looks awesome. Did you eat some swiss cheese, perhaps some chocolate?

    Bonnie :)

  2. Ooh, get the cheese fondue - delicious!

  3. the boys watched your Vlog like 500 times they liked it...i think that they miss you.

  4. I really liked the VLOG but you should defiantly make them longer and add some additional footage from your day. Kinda make a little video journal. Know that I think about it that probably a lot of work and you probably don't want to edit video on your vacation. Anyway I will keep on watching or reading.

    Enjoy Switzerland

  5. do not Vlog the red light district!

  6. A VLOG, now I've seen everything! I watched it like 501 times!

  7. I did not do Swiss chocolate, but I will make up for that in Belgium. I promise. I got down on the cheese though. It was the closest thing to authentic Swiss that I could find for your challenge. Swiss culture tends to be a mash up of a few different cultures (French, Italian, and mostly German) so they don't really have anything truly authentic to 'their' culture. But I got 'er gone. So it's all good. Fondue was too much for me to handle on my own. They don't really make it in individual portions.

  8. For your info:
    Blog is short for "web log" and they took out the first two letters and combined the words to make it one syllable. Vlog is a video blog and I guess they thought "vblog" was too hard to pronounce.

  9. Oh and I forgot:

    "Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?"
