Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's for washing your backside!

Ten brownie points to the first person to name the movie reference...

It's funny how a day can change everything. If I'm honest, yesterday wasn't great. Not even a little bit. I didn't get any sleep, I left too early - before the sun was even up, and I got really cold. And I stayed really cold. No amount of laying in the sun or hanging in supposedly heated gas stations could warm me up. Plus I did over 600km. My longest planned day was 480, so that sure didn't help matters. Cold, shivering, and on the road longer than I should have been. Yeah, yesterday wasn't great.

Needless to say, a hot shower and warm bed was more than a little needed. And the result? Today was spectacular. There aren't even words...

But I'll try.

From the get-go, I could tell this was a different day. It was only late morning, and yet the thermometer was already past the 30 mark. Despite a couple of traffic jams leaving Bordeaux, I was on the road, and loving life. Ticking away mile after mile without a care in the world. This is what the trip was supposed to be about.

And then I got to the Pyrenees...

The roads narrowed, the elevations changed... and the corners arrived. Suddenly the day graduated from 'great' to 'epic'. Each new road I came across was better than the last. It seemed like the roads were in some kind of grudge match to see which could take the crown as 'greatest road I've ever driven'.

Yes, it's been speed up 4x. No mom, I have not been driving that fast.

And Randy (shout out #2, in case you're counting...) there's a reason you haven't seen a picture of the bike yet: I was waiting for a backdrop worthy of it.

GorillaPod steps up to the plate...


  1. The movie is Crocodile Dundee. Sweet ten points for me!!!
    Great helment cam movie by the way.

  2. You had the helmet cam positioned perfectly man, it looks great! Bike looks really good as well, what a nice backdrop! Oh, and I am counting! (I knew the movie as well)

  3. If your aim in posting that video was to make people jealous (and I know it was...) then you have succeeded marvelously - but instead, I'm going to go to work at the Country Club to have rich old people boss me around and complain about their food. Awesome.

    But I'm glad you're having fun... :)

  4. PS: Those 10 points would have been mine if I got up as early as Nathan...

  5. unkie, we are really happy for you just be safe and you were going fast mister!!!!!!!

  6. Nat - you lucky dog, those points are redeemable for one HD video of me using the bidet from that picture. Check your inbox shortly... maybe not while you're at work

    Danica - you're the one that was wondering if I was taking the helmet cam or not, so you can't be jealous when I start putting it to use...

    Illners - Nissans drive really slow in Europe... I swear.
