Friday, August 7, 2009

Spain? More like Spain't it great...

Ok, I thought I didn't know French. Turns out that I really don't know Spanish. Germany is going to be a hoot.

There's not a whole lot to say about the Spanish leg of my trip. Except that I love it. The country just keeps throwing brilliant roads at me, and I gobble them up like I'm a heavy kid on the last day before fat camp. The next leg was supposed to be Pamplona to Zaragoza, but I figured I could make it all the way to Barcelona and have an extra day to enjoy the sights. So, that's what I did. And it was well worth it. Not only because by bypassing Zaragoza and sticking to the roads to the North, I stayed close to the Pyrenees and thus in the awesome winding roads that they have to offer, but also because that meant I got to rest my sore and tired tookus for a day.

And resting one's tookus in Barcelona means only one thing: the beach. So, I've had my first taste of the Mediterranean, and I now realize that the next stretch is going to be awesome. Five or six straight days of nothing but. Well... once I cross back over the Pyrenees, of course. Turns out, life is pretty good.

On the road to Barcelona. Sorry ladies, no beach pics yet...

On a side note, after a few sketchy decisions by the Sat Nav in the past few days, and my starting to question it's abilities, it totally redeemed itself on it's route home from the beach. It found the coolest little side road that wound through villages and hills. It was great. Probably would have been greater in the day light... but I, err... had a little trouble finding my way out of the beach area. But that's of no interest to you guys. You'd much rather hear about my successes than my failures, I'm sure.


  1. Great pictures my friend and I really like the video. Since you have been to 3 different countries now how is Russell's challange working for you? Have you been able to slide your arm over a lovely european lady? Not to put any pressure on you or anything.
    Looks like a great trip and will love to see the pictures when you get back. Drive safe my friend.

  2. Sounds like you're having awesome weather and scenery, not to jinx you or anything. I guess its back to France soon. Have fun, Mom and Dad.

  3. Oh, I was feeling the pressure long before you mentioned it, Bee. The thing with the Russ Challenge is that in the UK and France, I just kept saying 'I come back through these countries later in the trip, I'll just do it then.' But today is my last in Spain, so I've got to get down to brass tax. Trust me, when you're no good at talking to the ladies, it becomes that much more difficult when they don't understand a word your saying... (or maybe that could work to my advantage)

    And 'Rents, I jinxed myself long before you did. Stay tuned for the next post...

  4. Play the lost tourist card with the ladies - if nothing else, you'll impress and stand out as a man willing to ask for directions.....
