Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Biggest Shout Out... EVER!!!

I know that I predicted that my last post would likely be just that: my last post (before leaving). But I would be remiss in my duties as an expert blogger if - a mere 24 hours later, no less - I didn't put my pride on the shelf and contradict that statement to write a post that has been long overdue. For you see, since day one, there has been one man that has supported this blog without fail. One man that has accepted it into his life and nestled it lovingly against his mighty man-bosom. One man for whom we are all better people for simply having stood in the shadow of his greatness.

I speak of course, about Randy 'Charley' Sneep.

This golden Adonis of a man has honoured this page with his presence from the very first post. The mere fact that he continues to sacrifice his valuable time to not only read it, but also provide insight and wit in the comments section, speaks volumes of his insurmountable character. Without him there would be no Gorillapod. No Lonely Planet's Guide to Europe. No carrying case for the helmet cam. In fact, I think it's pretty safe to say that there would be no trip at all.

This is a guy that men want to be and women want to be with - and sometimes even the other way around. Endlessly charming, devilishly handsome, and strength that would make an ox look like an asthmatic, 12 year old girl by comparison.

He is Randy Sneep, and I am proud to say that he reads my blog.

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