Saturday, July 18, 2009

9 Days...

So... how was your day? Really? Well, that's good. No kidding? That's so fascinating...

Sorry, I had to get that out of the way. It just felt like I was doing all the talking, and I didn't want you thinking I was so self-absorbed that I wasn't interested in your life too. But with that out of the way... we can get back to talking about me.


So, with just over a week until I fly off this berg, I thought I'd catch you guys up on a few things. Firstly, I caved and bought a GPS unit. It's a Garmin Nüvi 500 for anyone that knows or cares about such things. There's not a whole lot exciting to say about it (waterproof, 8 hour, removable, rechargeable battery, blah, blah, blah), I really only mention it because I like putting the two little dots above the ü. It's almost as cool as the little 5 that you put under a 'c' in Français. Or that 'a' connected to an 'e' thing (æ) that they do in a couple of the Scandinavian languages.

Let's see, what else? I got a Joby Gorillapod so that I can more easily take pictures without having to hold the camera up like a 17 year old girl doing a self portrait for her MySpace page.

Also, inspired by Russ from my last post, I have been given a few more challenges: My sister wants me to try an unusual local food in each country and Steph wants me to meet, seduce and marry a friend of hers in France in hopes that she will then have to move with me to Canada. You know... little things like that.

What the Bonnie Challenge might look like if my trip was in America...

What Steph hopes her challenge will look like...

So... I'm not sure if I'll have a lot left to say before leaving, and as such this could be my last entry from the colonies. Just remember, if I crash doing 230 km/h on the autobahn, don't feel too bad... I died doing what I loved.

Oh, and don't touch my stuff. 'Cause I'll totally haunt your ass...


  1. That Gorillapod seems like such a great idea. Certainly you could not have thought of such a useful tool on your own. Perhaps credit should be given where credit is due?

  2. I just want to put my name down on your motorcycle. Not that I want anything to happen to you but I am just saying I would like to claim it in writing. Also what is the edict if you are in a coma do we give you 24 or 48 hours until we raid your place. Anyway drive safe we want you to come home.

  3. Coma etiquette is as follows: first, you take whatever money you get from selling my stuff and whatever money is left in my savings. Then you hire a stripper to come to the hospital and lapdance on my vegetable ass for however long the money lasts. Once the money has run dry, if I still haven't come out of the coma, pull the plug and harvest my organs for science. Whatever's left of me is to be stuffed and put on display at the Louvre or some other place where things of beauty are truly appreciated.

  4. or better yet come back alive, in one piece and with a couple of stds would be true badges of honour. be safe
