Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yeah, yeah, keep your shirt on

I'm flattered, I really am.

So much clamoring for new blog posts really warms my heart. But let us clear the air here, people. What you mistook for laziness on my part was actually a social experiment of the highest degree. I was determined to find out what would happen if I gave you something great (in this case, a blog) then suddenly and without warning took away said greatness. And what was the reward for my pursuit of science? You all labeled me with the worst of all the sins: sloth. For shame. Hours of number-crunching the raw data, late nights putting together pie charts and bar graphs, weekends with my eye buried in a microscope...

Lazy? I think not. More like: Canada's Greatest Hero.

But, I digress. You see, all this talk about laziness has reminded me about the hordes of prep work that I have yet to do. But fear not, Travimaniacs, for I have recently took a big chunk of that prep and turned it into... um... prepped.

So without further adieu*, I present to you the Suzuki SV650:

That's right, the bike with a bigger cult following than L. Ron Hubbard will be my trusty steed throughout Europe. And I know what you're thinking: 'surely this must have cost you an arm and/or a leg.' Well, rest easy my friends, for with my expert skills of negotiation, I was able to convince them to give me the bike for the full five weeks for the price of only four.

...and don't call me Shirley.

* sorry to drop such heavy French on you, but I have to hone my skills prior to arriving in France. In case you're wondering, adieu, or a dieu is French for 'to God'. Which of course means... no, wait a minute... that can't be right.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Apologies to the blind... this post is not for you.

Allegedly a picture is worth a thousand words. I thought so too, until my English teacher failed the paper that I did on Romeo and Juliet. He did say it had to be at least 2000 words, so I figured rather then stay up all night writing - like a fool - I'd just hand in a couple pictures pertaining to the subject. I figured after the whole week we spent in class learning about irony, he would be pleased that the student had now become the teacher.

I was wrong.

Of course, it probably didn't help that the pictures were of Leonardo DiCaprio in that 1996 flick - English teachers can always tell when you've just watched the movie instead of actually reading the book.

And that's the story of how I ended up in summer school.

Ok, so not a lot of that actually happened. But hey, it's the internet right? The place where facts go to die. So, seeing as that was neither a true, nor entertaining story, what purpose did it serve? Well, my little Traviphiles*, the purpose it did serve was to introduce the topic of photographs to our little discussion.

As some as you may or may not know, my father and I share ownership of a Pentax K10D Digital SLR camera. A unit that we are both very happy with, and one that shoots very nice, high quality pictures. I'm sure all of you are very excited at the mere notion that for all of August you will have new, high quality pictures of yours truly lounging along the Mediterranean in an overly-revealing Speedo. Well, prepare to be disappointed.

Ladies, exhale a sigh of relief, because I'm not putting the kibosh on the Speedo. Even though I'm not actually going into Rome, I still plan to do as the Romans do. And the Romans (or in this case Europeans in general) rock a mean banana-hammock. What I am nixing is the Pentax. Why? Well, to answer that question, first you need a little background information on motorcycles. First of all, they don't have trunks. Second of all they don't have glove boxes. Third of all they don't have a floor in the back seat... do you see where I'm going with this? Luggage is going to be a little tight. My plan is to roll with 2 pannier bags and a backpack. I won't get too specific, because that could be fodder for an all-new, all-exciting future blog post, but just understand that the Lowepro backpack that we store the Pentax in is the size of one of my panniers. Meaning, that essentially one camera would be taking up a third of my luggage. If that doesn't seem ridiculous to you, then you probably also think Carrot Top's style of humour is subtle and perhaps a little too smart for mainstream audiences which is why they are unable to grasp the subtle nuances of his art.

So, where does that leave me (and by extension, you) in terms of photography? Well, last night, Canada Post put our minds at ease...

I give you, the Panasonic DMC-TZ5:

• 9.1 MP
• 10X optical zoom
• 720p HD movie mode

Basically it's 230 grams of pure awesomeness. If I know my parents, they're already thinking: 'Yeah, but how much?' Well, it retails for $379, but being the ever-resourceful fellow that I am, I was able to secure mine for a final cost of $269. Pretty decent savings, so long as you don't mind buying it out of the back of a van in a dark alley...

Anyways, that combined with the Helmet Cam (above), as previously mentioned, should make for many bright images to accompany this blog in future posts. And, seeing that a picture is worth a thousand words, then that can only be a good thing, because I think we can all agree that this current post has run a tad on the long side.

* The term 'Traviphile' refers to a person who is enthusiastic about me and my random internet musings.